During this global recession period, we might not be able to afford expensive shampoos and other beauty products. During recession, we switch our Shiseido to Loreal, Body Shop to Shokobutsu, Schwarkoft to Pantene, etc..
Anyway, we still can have good hair without these branded shampoos! The secret is COCONUT OIL. Coconut oil is another big hit nowadays, it is no longer the oily and fatty coconut oil that we used to think. Recent studies found that coconut contains 99% of fat, and 1% of linolin. Thought it has 99% of fat, but this 1% of linolin helps to break down the fats into unsaturated ones (Please correct me, I could be wrong). And many beauty products now uses coconut oil.
So, in this method, coconut oil serves as a pre-conditioner when we shampoo. First, we need coconut oil, any coconut oil will do. I bought this 200ml of coconut oil from an Indian Grocery shop near where I stay, the price is RM3.40. Damn Cheap. Then we need a shower cap, it is okay if you dont have one.
The steps:
1. Apply the coconut oil on ur hair, and ur scalp too.
2. Massage ur scalp with the oil.
It is very important to massage our scalp. So that we can remove some of the dead cells and dandruff on our scalp. This also helps my dandruff problem. Usually my head/scalp will start itching the same day I wash my hair. After the coconut oil treatment, my scalp can "tahan" not itchy at the same day.
3. Put on the shower cap
Once the massaging is done. Put on the shower cap to let the oil absorbs into our hair. If I have time, I would let it sit for half an hour. But if I am in a rush, I skip the waiting time. Time to wait before shampooing is depends on individuals, some people even sleep with the shower cap on.
4. Wash off with shampoo
Lastly, wash the hair with shampoo. When shampooing, make sure you wash ur hair cleanly, dont forget to massage the scalp also. To end with a conditioner or not, it is depends on ur hair is moisturised enough or not. If your hair still feel dry after shampoo, apply conditioner. Yes, I do apply conditioner, my hair damn dry.
My hair feels softer every times I use coconut oil on it.
Before I end, a little tip from the hair dresser: Blow at your scalp while blow-drying ur hair, it will helps to control the oil at your scalp.