Today I 'ponteng kerja', I went for a fishing trip with my housemates and her colleaugues. I know you might think, what the heck? take leave to go fishing? Hehe..Since my company wants us to take 4 days leave this quarter, and I have no plan on how to use the leaves, so I went fishing! This is my first fishing experience. I must say it is a very enjoyable one.
We woke up at 5am to make sandwiches. Then 7am, had breakfast in Leong Kee Tea Garden Restaurant. The Dim Sum that we had was nice.

Then, we went to the wet market near Cintra Street. We bought Ikan Kembong and Sotong as our bait.
Headed to Tg Bungah, the beach was beautiful! Show off our high-tech fishing gear:

First thing first, set up our fishing rods.
1. Locked in the fishing reel, 2. Put in the fishing line (string), 3. Tied the sinker, 4. Connected the hook. 5. Hooked the fishing bait.
Then, we started fishing. Yay, let me introduce the players. Seew Lang and Yee Hwa are my housemates. While Tye Leong, Jeffrey and Shi Gong are Yee Hwa's colleaugues.

Pro-level Tye Leong and Shi Gong in action:
Amateur-level Seew Lang and Yee Hwa:
After awhile, Tye Leong got the first fish of the day! Good job!
Then, it was netty time! Shi Gong taught us patiently on how to use the net to catch fish. The net was very heavy..

A poor little fish was ended up in the net. Blame Yee Hwa!

A poor little fish was ended up in the net. Blame Yee Hwa!
We had a break at 10am, had our homemade sandwich, drinks and snacks. Then, we continued to fool around. After getting the fish hook caught up in my head (I was doing some cow-boy stunt to throw the bait, and the hook got tangled up with my hair! ). I got tired, so I quitted the game. I stayed under the tree and chilled-out with Jeffrey, the rest continued their quest for the fish at the rocks near the shores. They caught two fish there.
I am so tired. Going home tomorrow, need to sleep early. It was a great outing and I wish to do it again. Thanks Yee Hwa and the gang for inviting me.
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