Wow, this reality show is doing so well, it is cycle 12 now. Assuming it has 2 cycles per year. I have been watching this show for 6 years already. Tyra Bank still looks like a barbie doll, and she lost weight compared to last cycle. Paulina looks gorgeous too.
There are some interesting candidates in this season. However, they are not as interesting as the previous seasons, they are interesting in the way of their appearances. Personality wise, I think Allison and Celia stood up.
This season is kind of tiring, because there are some silly cat fights.Though I am only at Episode 5 now. And also, it does not have an obvious theme for this cycle.

She looks like a doll, with her *super* big eyes and good hair. If I were a guy, Allison will definitely be my fantasy. Though she is very pretty, she is a shy and lack of confidence, that is what make her personality stand out. I hope Allison will win the race.

Celia is the oldest of all, she is 25. She has all the knowledge to be a model, but only one thing, her age. She has good sense in fashion, and she works very very hard. Every episode, you can smell so much she wants to win this competition. If she wins, she deserves it.


She is my favourite contestant in this cycle. I think she is the prettiest among all (prettier than Jessica). Her trade mark, long legs. She is the only one in ANTM's history that did not need a makeover, Tyra thinks that her look is just right for being a model. Besides pretty, she is also the most matured girl. There was a scene when Aminat scolded her stupid many times, Aminat even spelled the word STUPID in front of Natalie's face. In fact, there was nothing to do with Natalie, Aminat scolded Natalie for no reason. I would be furious if someone did that to me. Instead, Natalie was so cool, she did not scold her back and that made Aminat looked so silly.


These are the contestants that caught my eyes. Another cycle of ANTM for us to enjoy.
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