Golla is a famous brand for laptop bags. Coincidentally, my sister and I both bought a Golla bag each. But the thing is, one is real genuine Golla, while another one is fake replica.
Take a look at both bags, which one is the real, and which is not? hehe...
We have bag A - chocolate outlook, and pink inners. Then Bag B- Black outside and red inners..Both look good right?
Then, check out the inner bodies of both bags...

More inside views:
So, both bags are quite the same right? =) My sister bought the bag from Kuala Lumpur for RM199, while I bought the bag for RM70 via mail order from China.
The real one is Bag A. I am sure if you look closer, u can tell the difference. The sewings for Bag B is rougher, even the padding they used also not as good as the pink linings. Pink bag definitely is more comfortable to carry around with.
So, for RM199 and RM70, which bag would you choose?
sure mine la......
hello, I loved your review, mostly because I have been tormented about which bag to buy (real or fake) for weeks. I found a china wholesaler just like you, and the price is good. Now I'd like to know how the non-golla bag resisted in time, and whether there are noticeable differences between the two after you have used them for some time. Thank you very much, and keep the good work up!!!!!! Cristina
Hi Carina. Thanks for the motivation =). I am amped up. LOL. For the non-golla bag, it is quite time-resistant. So far my bag is still new as. But if you do carry your laptops around, I would suggest you to buy the real one, cos it is more comfortable.
Hi..So the fake Golla is frm China..what abt the real Golla, also "Made in China"?
I did some research on Golla Backpack, as most things are come from same place "CHINA". Well the Golla that your sister bought is a 2009 collection. I don't know about HP OEM thingy, Golla 2008 collection now sell as low MYR 50.
Golla 2008
and compare with Golla Sell here
Golla 2009 collection,
wow, thanks fainonline for the details. Yes, I am seeing a lot of golla bags selling below RM50, even in Jaya Jusco... I guess they are real Golla, cos I dont think Jaya Jusco sells fake golla.
No problem Alexis, be honest i saw Belkin bag that sell for RM300, then i saw a same bag without Belkin logo on it sell for RM50 at same IT shop. I compare both bags, guess wot? the only difference with both bags is one with logo and other one without.
Differences golla bags HP OEM and the Ori Golla, the pending on ori golla is ticker and comfy compare the one you can get less then RM50.End of the day both work like a charm with all my notebook :)
Be wise, be smart ;)
www.fainonline.net :D
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