I'm back! Been busy looking for jobs =). At the mean time, I have not been unpacking my stuffs into my new room, I just put the boxes aside. Been watching quite a lot of TVB dramas though. Beauty activity wise, I have not been doing any. Except for watching some Taiwanese Beauty Shows. These are the shows that I have been watching.
1. Queens (女人我最大)
I think this show is probably the pioneer of the Taiwan beauty tv show. The host is Pauline Lan ( 蓝心湄), which was initially a singer, then turned into a TV host. This show is very informative. Together with Lan, there are other experts that always appear in the show. Including master Kevin (make up), Mario (the fashion guru), Judy lin ( Hair Style guru) and also Niu Er (DIY beauty guru). However, I start to find this show kind of boring. Because the host and guests are always the same.
2. 流行in HOUSE ( read: liu xing in house)
This is a show from Channel[V], so the target viewer is more to younger generation if compared with Queens. The host is Miranda Lu (路嘉怡), who is sister to Taiwanese singer, 路嘉欣. Overall, I find this tv show quite fresh and interesting, or maybe it is because I am bored watching Queens.
3. Butterfly (蝴蝶蝴蝶生ㄉ真美丽)
This is a crappy beauty show. Basically, a re-use of information from Queens and then re-package it. The host is called 蝴蝶姐姐, means Butterfly Sister (what the heck?), I dont know what her real name is. Butterfly Sister has a weird voice, like a doll voice. And there is a really silly thing that the guests do in the show, they have to be on exercise machines when answering questions from the host. Not really that kind of beauty show that I like.

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