This exfoliant is actually a facial scrub, a very gentle one. I got to say, I love this product!
Unlike many other facial scrub, you actually have to clean your face first, before using this exfoliant cream. Then apply a thin layer over face and throat. As you can see from the picture (sorry, blur again..), the cream is actually very watery, it is dripping over my fingers. The cream is kind of brown-ish. something like horlick. This cream does not have strong smell, I dislike artificial fruit smell.
Leave the cream on face for 10-15 minutes. I usually feel a mild stinging effect when the cream is still wet. The cream will dry, then we can wash off the cream.
Kind of hard to believe that this is an exfoliant, because I cant really see the granules. I also doubted that it would exfoliates, since the scrub is so tiny. However, it did clean up my face, leaving it fresh. And the best thing is, the mosturizer I apply after exfoliating, seems to absorb real well into my face, as I can feel my face tighter when I wake up in the morning.
No mention price de.
The price is I am not mistaken, it is about RM 110 something..
Hi there,
Sorry to correct on your statement.I think you don't really understand this product.I've used this product for 3 years and still using it. This is a CHEMICAL EXFOLIANT and NOT a PHYSICAL EXFOLIANT. Which mean, it doesn't have any granules or depends on you to physically scrub the dead skin cells but this product utilises fruit enzymes to break the outer layer of the skins.Its a great product anyway.
Thanks for the correction :), Ayu..I got this product from an online seller, and this was what she told me...Good to know that the granules are actually enzymes....this reminds me that i have not been using this product for a long time. Yes, it is a great product anyway.
I have been using this product for the past 3 years too and just found out that it contains harzadous ingredients ..Refer to the URL below:
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