So, I have been going for interviews and have been wearing this white shirt several times. I dont wear this kind of OL shirt normally, as an engineer, a plain t-shirt will do to go work.
There is a difference when I wear the OL shirt with a padded bra and a non-padded one. I wonder if those OLs realise this or not, haha.. For a non-padded bra, I look like a kid, not feminine, so pity, huhu....While for a padded one, the shirt fits better (less crumbled, I didnt iron my shirt), but will people realise that I am faking it??
Front view.
Side view.

thanks laptop2vpro, visited your site.
Ermm personally i dont see any difference o_O
Really no difference?? Wu..wu.. :D
Padded looks nicer... more evened out lol.
Hi PoisonKagero, thanks for visiting..
u havto show ur face oso ma..then only can knw the differences...go take another pic n post it again, haha....KS
Still got one day before voting close wor..Dont want to take picture with head, lol. Thanks for voting!! =)
I also cannot see any difference, but go with non-padded, because it is closer to natural.
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